Car Accidents

of whiplash injuries can cause neck pain, but whiplash is not limited to neck pain
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The severity of car accidents obviously varies from the very minor with no pain or symptoms experienced afterwards to major trauma requiring hospitalisation. Even for those involved in the very minor accidents it would be prudent to have a chiropractic assessment as soon after as possible to make sure there are no spinal effects. For those that require hospital treatment it is advised that you follow the medical treatment plan and then go and see a chiropractor. Obviously for those with broken bones the chiropractic treatment would have to be modified and at times wait until the break has fully healed. I have treated numerous patients involved in car accidents ranging from the minor to the very severe and they have benefited from regular chiropractic treatment. 

Drake Chiropractic can help you to return to as full function as possible obviously depending on the extent of your injuries. In addition to this I can assist you with providing a chiropractic medical report for submission to your solicitor and if need be I can also recommend a suitable solicitor as well.


One major possibility from car accidents is an increased likelihood of developing osteoarthritis later in life in the areas affected by the accident. Therefore chiropractic treatment as soon after the accident as possible can help to minimise the severity and degree of arthritis suffered.

Since I was involved in a car crash last October I had difficulty with my neck and back. I had intense aches up and down my back which often prevented me sleeping. I work as a receptionist primarily standing and the pressure on my back got so bad at times I often thought I would have to cut back my hours as it was just too uncomfortable. However after a couple of sessions with Ros I felt a huge improvement and am now much more comfortable in my job and also find it much easier to relax in the evening. I feel like I have much more mobility in my neck also as it was often very stiff. I am thankful that I went to Ros when I did as I feel 100% better for it now.
Dublin 24