Regular chiropractic care is an integral part of the pre and postnatal stages of pregnancy. Prior to pregnancy is helps to achieve a viable pregnancy and then during the 3 trimesters keeps mum feeling good during the physical and emotional changes that occur.
It also aids the birth process as a misaligned pelvis could cause problems during the birth. A properly functioning spine and pelvis also helps the baby have fewer possible problems after birth. Many problems suffered during pregnancy may be directly related to the health of your spine.
These may include backache, headaches, aching legs, sciatica, breathlessness, nausea and fatigue. 96% of women have been shown to experience back pain during pregnancy.
– Correcting abnormal joint mechanics that lead to joint and nerve stress, thus reducing pain and improving function.
– Maintaining joint function and spinal balance so the spine may adapt to the increased weight and altered posture.
– Ensuring that the joints of the lower back and pelvis are moving freely to assist the birth process. Proper joint movement enhances pelvic opening.
– Educating the expectant mother on correct posture, lifting and other lifestyle factors in order to reduce spinal stress.
– Pregnancy may create new problems or exacerbate existing problems which were previously compensated for.
The process of childbirth places great stress on the spine and pelvis, and their supporting muscles and ligaments. Joints, muscles and ligaments are more supple from hormonal changes for some time after giving birth. This may increase susceptibility to injury.
With the added strain on the back, neck and shoulders whilst nursing, feeding and caring for an infant, it is easy to see why many women suffer after childbirth. Chiropractors recommend that new mothers have their spine examined soon after giving birth.
Dr. Ros Drake is proudly recommended by:
– Private and Public Midwives
– Doulas
– Pregnancy Yoga Teachers
– GentleBirth Instructors
– Other Birth Workers
Read what Ros had to say about how chiropractic treatment can help women during pregnancy on page 28 of the AW 2019 edition of Wicklow Women.
As a CUB Ambassador I’m thrilled to bring this unique pregnancy and birthing tool to pregnant females in Ireland.
Designed and manufactured by UK midwife Cass McNamara it combines the benefits of a ball and birthing stool into a tool that can be used in many different positions, from sitting, squatting, leaning, lunging, lying, with a single or double inflation to using it on the floor or on the bed at home or at hospital.
It is easily inflated and deflated and packs away into a small bag for easy transportation and storage. It’s a must to maximise your comfort and help you stay active in your pregnancy and labour.
You can use coupon code CC09 at the checkout on the CUB website to receive a discount.

Ros was proudly featured in GHP as the Pregnancy Chiropractor of the year for the 2020 Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Awards – Read the publication by clicking here.
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