Work Accidents

is the national average for absenteeism, which equates to 8 workings days
0 %

Back pain/injury and stress are the most commonly cited problems on medical certificates. Research has shown that chiropractic management was ten times cheaper for compensation costs, employees requiring one tenth the number of days off work, compared to medical manage­ment. Chiropractic treatment can help you return to work sooner than most other forms of treatment. 

Patient management consists of a wide variety of manual therapies including spinal manipulation and rehabilitative exercises to restore joint function. Psychological, as well as musculoskeletal, factors have a part to play in sickness – but simply changing a workstation will not be enough to counteract them. It is suggested that the huge amounts of money paid out by companies – to have employees tested so that their jobs can be matched to their physical capabilities – may be wasted, since there is limited evidence that this reduces back pain or RSI. Physical therapy has far stronger evidence for its efficacy.

The value of the availability of chiropractic services is not limited to the obvious, day-to-day benefits, because by analysing data from the treatment of a significant number of individuals from the same source, feedback to the employer can be used to prevent future injuries and costs and therefore must be viewed as an investment for the company.

"Over the years, working at a computer has affected my posture and the resultant stress caused muscles to tighten in my back, shoulders and hamstrings. I was not fully aware of this until I attended Dr. Ros Drake. After taking a full client history, Ros identified particular stress-related problems and began to address each of the problems in a way that ensured the results would hold. In addition, the muscle relaxation exercises that she recommended were extremely helpful in releasing muscle tension. In addition to being highly qualified and extremely knowledgeable, Ros exhibits an extremely high degree of professionalism in her practice whilst maintaining a caring and compassionate relationship with all of her clients. I cannot recommend Ros highly enough"
Dublin 18